A wonderfully imaginative and adventurous take on magical ability. Mona is the only magical person left in a city being attacked by barbarians, only her magic is being a great baker. I loved this one.
I’ll be reading a lot more business-related nonfiction due to my changing job. This was a good basic guide to writing for the internet. It is definitely meant for those uncomfortable writing, but did have some good advice for blogging and social media.
The perfect amount of horror with a haunting story that will stick with you. It takes place in an abandoned, rural village in Sweden. A documentary filmmaking group journeys there to find out what happened to all the townspeople who disappeared all at once sixty years before. With flashbacks to the village before it was abandoned, the story is makes excellent use of situational and cult horror.
Interesting look at how grieving can make us selfish and how we can never truly know those friends we are close to. Also a fun, snarky, romantic romp.
Magical heists and a necromantic serial killer set in a medieval-like world. Yup! It’s just as fun as it sounds.
A hilarious take on historical romance. The ladies observe the smallest details of civil society, all the while plotting robberies and murders. Add a fun romance with an untrustworthy young man and a ridiculous appearance by Queen Victoria. A joy.
The first reread of this one and while the heroine’s stutter is still annoying, I liked it a little better than the first time. It has all the hallmarks of a fun Heyer—know-it-all hero, ingenue, ridiculous family, and a revengeful villain. Perfect.