Yesterday, I went to a friend's party where said friend had smoked all his own meat. Now, I'm not a meat eater, but I will have the occasional fish, so my friend smoked a salmon. Salty and smokey and delicious.
So for brunch today, I made a smoked salmon omelet. A little indulgent for everyday, but just right for a lazy Sunday morning. I made a regular omelet and filled it with the salmon and finely shredded manchego cheese and topped the whole thing off with carmelized onions. The onions were a perfect compliment to the salty salmon. I even made a little omelet (sans onions) for my dog. She loves salmon and eggs too, and I see no reason she shouldn't partake in a lovely Sunday brunch.
Posting this without putting up a whole recipe makes me feel like I'm indulging in food porn. But who can resist?
So for brunch today, I made a smoked salmon omelet. A little indulgent for everyday, but just right for a lazy Sunday morning. I made a regular omelet and filled it with the salmon and finely shredded manchego cheese and topped the whole thing off with carmelized onions. The onions were a perfect compliment to the salty salmon. I even made a little omelet (sans onions) for my dog. She loves salmon and eggs too, and I see no reason she shouldn't partake in a lovely Sunday brunch.
Posting this without putting up a whole recipe makes me feel like I'm indulging in food porn. But who can resist?