Above you can see my reading by genre. Of the books I read, 88% were by women, but I'm still low on BIPOC authors (25%) and LGBTQIA+ authors/main characters (29%). Over 50% of the books I read were actual books. 32% were audio books, 9% were graphic novels, and 8% were ebooks.
I only read six nonfiction books, which is half of my goal of 12. I read five books of poetry. A little less than half the books I read were by authors I had never read before.
Gentrification is Inevitable and Other Lies by Leslie Kern was my favorite nonfiction. She writes about the intersection of social justice and geography and it is fascinating. Read all her books.
My favorite books of the year, in no particular order are:
- The Djinn Waits a Hundred Years
- The Red Tree
- This is How You Lose the Time War
- Tell Me I'm Worthless (caveat: this book is brutal and intense but great)
- Emily Wilde's Encyclopaedia of Fairies
- A Letter to the Luminous Deep
- Red Rabbit
- The Dark Lord's Daughter